East West Shaped Breasts: How To Find The Best Bras For East West Breasts

Every woman’s body is unique, and nature has bestowed us with diverse breast shapes and sizes. One such unique breast shape is the east west boob shape. If you’ve ever wondered why some bras just don’t seem to give you the right fit for your fabulous figure despite wearing the correct size, it might be because you have east west breasts. But fret not, ladies! That is why this article is here. We will explain what east west breasts are and how to determine if you have them, and we will showcase how to pick a bra style for east west breasts.
What are East West Breasts?
Before we get into the details of bra fitting, let’s understand what east-west breasts look like and how they differ from other breast shapes. As their name implies, east west breasts point outwards away from each other to the sides of the chest. East west nipples also generally point outwards in opposite directions rather than towards the front.
This breast shape is characterized by wide-set breasts with more volume on the sides than in the center. The breasts are often wider than long and are often associated with small cup sizes. With this breast shape, you may find it more difficult to achieve cleavage with certain tops.
How to Measure Your Breast Shape
To measure your breast shape, remove your shirt and bra and stand in front of a mirror. Hold your arms slightly out to your sides. Make a good observation of your gorgeous breasts. Observe the distance between the breasts, whether they are close together or far apart. What direction are your nipples pointing? If your breasts are characterized by a wide distance between them, with more breast tissues to the side than in the middle, and the nipples are pointing outward rather than directly forward, you have east west breasts. You can also make a sketch or take a picture for comparison in our breast shape dictionary.
How Should Bras for East West Breasts Fit?
Bras for east west breasts should accentuate your unique curves. When it comes to donning a bra for such a unique pair, finding one that closes the gap between them without squishing them is necessary. East west breast shape ladies should find solace in bras that offer full coverage, accommodating the side set breasts and avoiding side spillage. They should make allies with underwires that caress rather than constrain them to lift and center their breasts. However, finding bras for east west breasts should not mean abandoning the quest for perfection in the pursuit of comfort. The perfect fit should be the harmonious blend of elegant looks and comfortable support.
What Types of Bras Work Best with East West Shaped Boobs?
Let us explore the best bras for east west breasts - ones that will make you feel confident, comfortable, and supported.
24/7® Perfect Coverage Bra
Have you ever imagined a bra that perfectly blends coverage and comfort? Well, here it is. With its ultra-thin memory foam cups, our 24/7® Perfect Coverage bra will mould your shape and close the gap between your breasts. The no-slip memory foam straps distribute the weight evenly and prevent slipping.
24/7® Second Skin Unlined Bra
For the days you want a more natural look and feel, the 24/7® Second Skin Unlined bra has your back (and front!). Its unlined cups are designed to hug your curves and enhance your shape as you enjoy its comfortable fit. It also features a seamless design that eliminates visible lines under your clothes.
All Day Lace Uplift Plunge Bra
Who said east west breasts can’t enjoy a little plunge? Our Lace Contour Plunge bra combines functionality with elegance. It has removable pads that work to give you the lift you desire, while the lace adds a touch of elegance to complete the sexy and flattering look.
All breasts are unique and all deserve to find the perfect, comfortable bra! Explore our collection of bras for east west breasts for even more bras designed for this breast shape. And to learn more about different bra silhouettes and the shapes that they work for, read on in our bra style guide.