Gatherall Backless Bra


Gatherall Backless Bra


Product Details

Gatherall bra is more than a bra - it’s a reusable and washable adhesive silicone bra that gives you strapless, backless, wireless, washable, reusable and flexible support.

Size & Fit

How to wear:

  1. Cleanse and dry your breasts to make it a smooth start. No lotion needed.
  2. Collect the plastic film from the bra and place it back in the tube. You’ll need it again.
  3. Correct means that the cup size letter will face upwards when you place it on.
  4. Cover your bases by placing the round circles in each cup where your nipples will be.
  5. Cup the bra in your hand and press firmly from the outer edges inward. Want extra cleavage? Place your nipples towards the thicker, inner part of the cup. Remember this bra is not meant to cover your underboob.
Fabric & Care

Care instructions:

  • Use antibacterial soap and water to cleanse the cup
  • Leave the bra out to hang dry, smooth the plastic film back on, roll it up, and place back in the tube
Shipping & Returns

We want you to be completely happy with your ThirdLove purchase. If you don't love it, exchanges and returns are free for 60 days. If something’s not right, we can help. Our Fit Experts are available via live chat, or email to answer any questions you might have. Our Returns & Exchanges Center makes it easy for you to locate your order and easily swap out the size and/or style.

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